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Brochures and Information
The items below are shown in alphabetical order. Use the Sort button to change the order and the List button to view as a list. You may also use the Category and Year options to filter.
Birth Control Options
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.18MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Birth Control Options: Choosing the Method That's Right for You. This resource is focused on the use of contraceptive methods for pregnancy prevention. Many of the methods listed are also used to manage other health conditions such as problems with menstrual cycles. Be sure to ask your health care provider if you have questions. All methods shown are covered by VA.
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (359KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: The Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas Supporting Expanded Review for Veterans in Combat Environment (SERVICE) Act allows Veterans with potential toxic exposure in areas like Iraq, Southwest Asia, and Afghanistan to receive breast cancer risk assessments and screening mammograms. Veterans who served during specific periods in these regions may be eligible, especially if they have a personal or family history of breast cancer or genetic risk factors, such as BRCA mutations. While no direct link between toxic exposure and breast cancer has been found, VA continues to study the potential connection and encourages eligible Veterans to consult their primary care provider for risk assessment and mammograms.
Breast Cancer Screening
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2023
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (3.9MB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: The SERVICE Act, also known as the Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas Supporting Expanded Review for Veterans in Combat Environment Act, allows Veterans who served in certain combat locations and periods to receive services to check their risk of breast cancer and get a screening mammogram if needed.
Caring for Women Veterans in the Community
English- Category: Information
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Information
- File Info: English (464KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: If you are a health care provider, chances are you are providing care for a woman Veteran. And you may not even know it. Take this free, accredited, one-hour, online training to learn how to better serve the women Veterans entrusted in your care.
Cervical Cancer Screening
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.12MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: As a woman Veteran, you have unique health needs that deserve attention. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women — and unfortunately, women Veterans have higher rates of risk factors for cervical cancer than non-Veteran women. Cervical cancer is a type of gynecologic cancer that begins in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus connecting to the vagina. It usually grows slowly and is mainly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Screening tests can help detect cervical cancer and other precancerous cells that may one day develop into cervical cancer. The goal of screening is to detect and treat precancerous cell changes before they develop into cancer. Cervical cancer found at an early stage is usually easier to treat.
Cuidado de la Maternidad
Spanish- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: Spanish (1.3MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Ya sea que desee comenzar o expandir su familia, VA cubre una gama completa de cuidado de maternidad para brindarle apoyo. Con el fin de garantizar la mejor atención posible, brindamos cuidado de maternidad a través de referencias de proveedores de servicio de maternidad de la comunidad local. Los beneficios de maternidad de VA incluyen atención prenatal, atención de parto y postparto, así como atención para su bebe recién nacido desde al día del nacimiento hasta 7 días consecutivos después del nacimiento.
Eligibility and Enrollment Outreach Handout
English- Category: Information
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Information
- File Info: English (646KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: Your VA benefits include personalized, comprehensive health care such as routine check-ups, cancer screenings, birth control, mammograms, maternity care, and more. VA also offers mental health care tailored to women Veterans. You are welcome at VA and will be treated with the respect you deserve.
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.04MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. These cells respond to changes in your body's hormones and cause inflammation, pain, and sometimes irregular bleeding. Often, one of the first signs of endometriosis is severe pain in your abdomen and pelvis during your period. Endometriosis is especially common among women in their 30s and 40s and may make it harder to get pregnant. There are several different treatment options available.
Fertility Preservation for Medical Indications
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2023
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (464KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: Fertility preservation is the process where eggs or sperm (gametes) are frozen (cryopreserved) to preserve them for an extended period of time. Freezing stops eggs or sperm from aging and allows them to be stored. The frozen eggs and sperm can be thawed later, even years later, so that people can use them to try to achieve pregnancy.
Fertility Services
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (996KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: If you are having challenges building your family, you are not alone. At VA, we understand that trying to build your family can place stress on you and your relationships. We are here to support you. VA covers a wide range of fertility treatments, procedures, and services.
- Category: Information
- Year: 2021
- Product Type: Information
- File Info: Small (266KB PDF 8.5 x 11) | Large (336KB PDF 11 x 17)
- Description: Flu shots not only reduce the risk of flu-related illness but can also prevent flu related hospitalizations and death. Veterans may get a flu shot at a VA Medical Center, VA clinic or at a location in the community.
Health Appointment Checklist for Women
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (394KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: The Health Appointment Checklist for Women is an essential tool designed to help women Veterans take charge of their health care. It offers clear guidance to prepare for, navigate, and follow up on medical appointments effectively. By encouraging thoughtful preparation—such as listing questions, tracking symptoms, and reviewing family medical history—the checklist ensures women make the most of their time with their provider. It highlights key topics like mental health, family planning, and screenings, empowering women to address critical health concerns and advocate for their needs. The checklist also emphasizes the importance of safety, comfort, and clear communication during appointments, promoting a collaborative relationship with VA providers. Additionally, it provides practical post-appointment steps, like accessing test results and scheduling follow-ups via MyHealtheVet, to support ongoing care. For women Veterans, this checklist underscores VA's commitment to personalized, comprehensive care while offering valuable resources, such as the Women Veterans Call Center. By following this tool, women can feel more confident, organized, and supported throughout their health care journey.
Healthy Aging
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (980KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: You deserve to live your best life at every age, and VA is here to help you. At VA, healthy aging means working with you to maintain your health, stay active, and do the things you value most.
Healthy Reproductive Aging
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.1MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: The changes in hormone levels associated with aging affect people differently. Some people are not bothered by symptoms, while others need medical treatment to manage symptoms. Some of these, such as hot flashes and mood changes, are associated with menopause. They often lessen with time. Your VA health care provider can help you find relief and treatment.
HPV Vaccine
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2023
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (819KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: HPV vaccination provides safe, effective, and lasting protection against HPV infections. It is a series of shots that protect against the types of HPV that most commonly cause cancer and genital warts.
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.1MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Menopause is a normal part of aging when people stop having menstrual periods and there is a natural decline in reproductive hormones. While some people go through menopause without needing treatment, many find symptoms of menopause uncomfortable and would benefit from treatment to relieve them. Your VA health care provider can help with ways to manage your symptoms.
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2023
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (444KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: The PACT Act is a law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. Women Veterans, we know you were there too. VA is here for you. The Act (1) expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam era, Gulf War era, and Post-9/11 era, and (2) expands eligibility for benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic substances.
Perfil de las Mujeres Veteranas
Español- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: Español (613KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Hay casi 2 millones de mujeres veteranas que viven en los Estados Unidos hoy. Con el aumento del número de mujeres que prestan servicio en las fuerzas armadas de los EE. UU., las mujeres veteranas son el subgrupo de más rápido crecimiento en la población de veteranos.
Preventive Health Checklist for Women
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (930KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: Work with your primary care provider to create a prevention plan designed for you. For questions about women's health services or to get connected with your local VA, call or text the Women Veterans Call Center at 855-829-6636.
Profile of Women Veterans
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (613KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: There are nearly 2 million women Veterans living in the United States today. With the increasing numbers of women serving in the US military, Women Veterans are the fastest growing subgroup in the Veteran population.
Reproductive Health Services
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.1MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Reproductive health services are those related to care for the reproductive health system. These services include fertility and infertility services, access to family planning, maternity and postpartum care, lactation support, care for pelvic pain, management of urinary incontinence, support of sexual function, reproductive mental health, and management of perimenopause and menopause.
Servicios de Salud General
Español- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: Español (954KB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: Las mujeres veteranas tienen una procedencia de todas las edades, orígenes raciales y étnicos, identidades de género y orientaciones sexuales. No importa cómo se identifique, VA le da la bienvenida y su equipo de atención médica para mujeres está aquí para ayudarle a mantenerse sana en todas las etapas de su vida.
Smoking Cessation
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (2.6MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: VA offers comprehensive smoking cessation support for women Veterans, encouraging you to commit to quitting for your health and the well-being of others. Key steps include deciding to stop, seeking support from VA resources, setting a quit date, and following a personalized plan. Quitting smoking provides significant health benefits, including reduced risks of heart and lung disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Gender-specific concerns like fertility, pregnancy risks, and menopause are also improved. VA provides evidence-based treatments, counseling, medications, and online tools, including apps and quitlines, to support a smoke-free future.
Vaginal and Urinary Symptoms of Menopause
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2022
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (1.1MB PDF 11 x 8.5)
- Description: In addition to hot flashes and trouble sleeping, you may experience vaginal and urinary symptoms of menopause, also known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). They may occur during or after menopause.Menopause is a normal part of aging when people stop having menstrual periods.
Women Veterans Call Center Business Card (2024)
English- Category: Brochure
- Year: 2024
- Product Type: Brochure
- File Info: English (501KB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: The Women Veterans Call Center is your resource for information about a variety of services and benefits that you have earned and deserve through your military service. The Women Veterans Call Center can be your first call to find out how VA can help you. No question is too big or too small, and every question is important. Give us a call or text: 855-829-6636.
Women Veterans in Focus
English- Category: Information
- Year: 2021
- Product Type: Information
- File Info: English (3.3MB PDF 8.5 x 11)
- Description: Information and data of the more than 2 million women Veterans who live in the US today.
The Women Veterans Call Center is your guide to women's health
If you have questions or can't find what you're looking for, you can call, text, or chat online with the Women Veterans Call Center (WVCC) at 855-829-6636 to get help and find available resources and services in your area. Trained women representatives can also:
- Provide you with information on enrolling in VA health care if you have not already
- Provide you with information on setting up a medical appointment in your area
- Provide you with information about your eligibility (including questions about disability ratings) and other VA benefits like employment, education, and home loans
- Connect you with your local VA Medical Center or local women's health contact who can assist in coordinating all the services you need
WVCC representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET.
Women Veterans Health Care Videos
Watch videos for and about Women Veterans.Women Veterans Health Care Outreach Posters
View our Outreach Posters.Resources
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420
Last updated January 22, 2025