Non-VA Clinicians
VA provides non-VA providers and medical residents with the training needed to understand and better care for the unique needs of women Veterans.
Approximately 78% of women Veterans get their health care outside of VA at academic centers and community practices. Many women don't see themselves as Veterans or wear anything that shows they are. It is important to ask women if they have ever served in the military, no matter how far away from a military base they may be.
Caring for Women Veterans in the Community - A Course for Non-VA Clinicians
One of the best ways to learn more about how to care for women Veterans is by taking the Caring for Women Veterans in the Community training on VHA TRAIN, a learning network that houses a comprehensive catalog of public health training opportunities. This training addresses unique concerns such as military sexual trauma, musculoskeletal pain, and post-deployment readjustment and how those concerns can impact women Veterans. If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact the help desk at
Community care clinicians who take this course will learn to:
- Recognize how the evolving role, increasing number, and diversity of women in military service impact their changing medical care needs.
- List the key components of a military history while understanding how a woman Veteran's service might affect her current or future health
- Recognize the gender-specific, clinical manifestations of common Veteran health issues, including pain syndromes and mental health concerns
- Use patient-centered, trauma-informed care for pelvic exams for women Veterans whose experiences with military sexual trauma, PTSD, or intimate partner violence (IPV) may make them sensitive to gender-specific exams

If you are a health care provider, chances are you are providing care for a woman Veteran. And you may not even know it. Take this free, accredited, one-hour, online training to learn how to better serve the women Veterans entrusted in your care. Download the brochure.
Additional Resources for Non-VA Clinicians
- See programs offered by VA's Office of Academic Affiliations, which educates and trains health professionals to enhance the quality of and timely access to care provided to Veterans within VHA
- Visit the VA App Store for apps created specifically for Veterans and their health care professionals
- Download the Military Health History Pocket Card to help guide important questions
- Share information about the Women Veterans Call Center with women Veterans
- Visit VA's Community Care page for more information about Veteran care in the community
- See the Facts and Statistics page for more information about women Veterans
- Read publications and reports about women Veterans
- View videos that cover a variety of topics related to women Veterans
- View outreach posters designed to reach women Veterans